Friday, April 15, 2011


I'm sure you've seen me talking up a storm about TurboFire and Shakeology . . . Now you are wondering how all of this came about?

About 9 years ago I decided to join 24 Hourfitness in hopes of losing a few pounds. I was considered "average", but to me I just didn't feel good about myself. I always said that I felt like I was the girl with a pretty face. All I knew is that I wanted to finally look at myself and think "wow, I look good!"

With that said, I began my fitness journey! I went to the gym everyday and did what I thought was the right thing. After several months of getting no where real fast I enlisted the help of a trainer. Well, if you've worked with a trainer before you know there are good trainers and bad trainers. I went through 2 trainers before I found Thomas.

Thomas was a godsent! I lived and breathed everything he told me to do, why? Because I was seeing results. The first thing he told me was that I needed to fuel my body properly. Well, that's funny I thought I was. I started tracking everything and then realized that although I was within my calorie limits, the breakdown was way off. For a typical girl, your breakdown should be 60%carbs, 20%fat and 20% protein. Once I started following a meal plan that followed that pattern I was on a roll. In 3 months I had gone from a size 12 to a size 2. WOW!!!

At this point, I felt so confident in myself . . . my self esteem was high and I felt like I could accomplish anything! Then I met Colby and he was a runner. I thought I would hop on a treadmill next to him but little did I know, I could not run! You see, I had trained my body specifically on the elliptical, stairmill and spinning. It took some hard work and dedication but I got to the point of being able to run a few miles. The funny thing is, now I can run and run and he's struggling. :)

Back to my story . . . Because I spent so much time at the gym, I became friends with so many people, people that I will always hold dear to my heart, Frank and Ashley Fisk. They literally changed my life, they enriched my life so much and I will never forget it! Frank is the one that introduced me to Colby! And Ashley was a spin teacher. I really didn't think I could do what she did, she is the BEST spin instructor but with some coaching and pushing from all of my friends I was able to get my certification!

The reason why I bring this up is because these people showed me that if you have the Passion and the Commitment anyone can do it. It took several months for me to find my niche but I can proudly say that I have my own style and in my last review, I was told that I am one of the best spin instructors in Dallas! WOW! ME, really? How did that happen? Passion!

I have that passion to want to help others succeed! I have been blessed to have such amazing people in my life that inspired me to do more to be more. I will never forget how each person contributed to my success! Every week I have the opportunity to change someones life! I am honored to have such a strong following and absolutely love the energy they bring to class!

With that said, over the past few months I have felt that I wanted to connect with more people. I looked into becoming a personal trainer but its not really doable right now with two little ones at home. I then decided that I would certify in other group exercise formats which has lead me to TurboKick and PiYo.

I was introduced to Melissa McAllister who is a local Master Trainer for Power Blue productions. Who is Powder Blue? Well its none other than Chalene Johnson! She's the mastermind behind TurboFire, TurboJam, Chalene Extreme etc. 24 Hourfitness offers a class called TurckKick which is based off the above class. Not only does Chalene have her own company, but she partnered up with BeachBody who is the #1 at home fitness company in the world!

Beachbody is behind programs such as P90x, Insanity, Braziallian But, and all of Chalene's exercise videos. Beachbody saw there was a need for coaches because so many people buy the programs but they either don't fuel their body properly or more likely they put it on the shelf for a later date.

As I learned about Beachbody, it seemed like a no brainer for me! Here I was wanting to help people make a change, address the issue of obesity and this fell right into my lap! I am astonished when I watch Biggest Loser, the contestants are getting so big and their stories are all the same . . . something tragic happened and then they eat! Did you know that 2 out 3 adults are obese? And what's worse is 2 out of 5 children are obese! That equals 200 million people are unhealthy.

We need to take action! If we the adults don't change our habits, what will happen to the next generation? When did it become okay to have our life expectancy be shorter than our parents? I know that if we can change the parents habits, the children will follow suit. Children will copy just as they see!

I know that people want a pill . . . and believe me if it were that easy that would be great! But there is no substitute for eating healthy and exercising. I hate it when I see people go on diets! They don't work! The word itself says it all. Diets mean restricting yourself from having something for a specific timeframe. Well, when that timeframe is over then you go back to eating like before and gain the weight back. You need to change your lifestyle! It's about having things in moderation and living life to the fullest!

That is what I love about being a Beachbodycoach. I get to help those people that have that desire to change their lives but don't know exactly how to get there! Beachbody is about addressing the obesity issues we have in this country! The fitness programs are hard, but they are also so much fun! As for supplements, they have done their homework and provide only the best nutrients! I have tried so many different supplements and I will tell you right now, there is nothing like Shakeology! It is amazing and it has changed my life!

I will admit that I was skeptical at first especially when I saw the price. But if you break it down, its 4.50 per meal. Well, that's not to bad . . . and there are ways to get it cheaper. I had hit a plateau, I was trying to get past it and work through it but nothing was happening. In one week of Shakeology I had lost 3 pounds and an inch on my waist. I changed nothing else! Not only did I see such great results, I feel better, my mood has improved, I crave less candy/chocolate and I have the much needed energy I need to do what I do (exercise and keep track of 2 little ones).

I am so blessed to have such a supportive husband! All he wants for me is to find something I have passion about and run with it. Well, here it is and I'm running! He has ton a ton of research (those of you that know Colby, you know how he is) and has come to the conclusion that this is for REAL (beachbodycoach), it is legit and you can do it too!

I will say it again . . . If YOU have the Passion and YOU have the Commitment you can do it too! Whatever it is in life YOU want, You can do it!  Remember OWN IT!

If you want more information or just want to chat about anything, let me know!

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