Sunday, July 21, 2019

How do you dress for exercise? Do you care? Or do you just throw some stuff on and out you go? If you don't know, I use to be the person that wore the same exercise clothes all of the time.

True story, Colby and I met at the gym.  I was friends with most of the people there (I know, shocking) and they asked if I was interested in anyone . . . Well of course I said I was interested in the TALL guy.  They knew who I was referring to and spoke to him separately.  When they told him a girl at the gym was interested, he said "Is it the girl with the pink shirt and black pants?".  Yup, I was known as that girl who pretty much only wore pink and black.

Over the years my style has improved and my OCD has gone into high gear, I can no longer wear just any old pair of shoes with any outfit.  What does this mean?  It means that I own way too many pairs of sneakers!  Colby cringes when he looks at the Amazon "save for later" or sees a box delivered that looks like shoes. ha ha  This leads me into my topic for today SHOES.

Years ago I only wore Nike but soon found myself having issues with my feet.  The biggest issue was a Neuroma.  Its basically a pinched nerve between your toes.  The pain was so intense that finally I went to the doctor because I could no longer walk or run without pain.  The foot doctor told me my issue (I already knew because I self diagnosed it) but what I didn't know was that it was because of my Nike's.

This foot doctor didn't say that Nike's were bad, just that they aren't for my feet. You see, Nike's typically are more narrow than other brands . . . they are made for people that have long skinny feet (at least this is what I was told).  I don't have wide feet but I also don't have long skinny feet either.  The other thing he mentioned was the heel to toe drop ratio. Say What? Aren't all shoes about the same?  No, they aren't!

After many injections I finally had to have surgery.  Since then, I had to pretty much start my collection of shoes all over again.  I think its been 10 years now, I don't have as many as I once had but I am much picker about the kind of shoe I need.   The brands that work for me are Adidas, New Balance and Asics.  Depending on the activity depends on the shoe I wear.

About 6 weeks ago I heard the dreaded question "are those new shoes?" lol.  Yes, there are! Why? Since I started being a better dog owner and taking Indy out on daily runs, my knees were hurting.  I kept getting runners knee and couldn't figure out why?  Well, the biggest issue is that although my shoes appear to be new, they aren't.  Shoes do expire especially if you wear them all of the time.  I ventured onto google looking for shoes that have a zero drop heel to toe ratio and came across my new shoes.  I've loved them from the moment I got them and my knee pain and shin splints have disappeared.  No worries, I'll still wear my other shoes, just not to run in.

One more thing I must share is socks!  I know it seems insane to pay 15 bucks for a pair of socks but I can promise you that once you wear these socks you"ll never want to wear anything else!  The link I'm including here is my favorite kind but take note that what I like doesn't mean its what you like. Some have padding, some have wool etc.  My favorites are no show super light . . . I don't care for padding and I don't like my socks showing (Yes, OCD).  I know you're hesitant but everyone I've given a pair to has always loved them!

If you are wanting new shoes, I would suggest going into a running store and have them watch you walk and share with you what type of shoe is best for your feet. I don't typically buy my shoes there because I feel their prices are too high but if there's a deal then ok.  Otherwise, I take the info and look on Amazon or other shoe stores but its important you know what to look for.

Here are links for the shoes and socks I love!

Feetures Socks

New Balance Running Shoes

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