Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring Cleaning

As the grass gets greener, the trees and flowers bloom, the days get longer we start to think of Spring Cleaning.  Spring isn't just about cleaning out our houses, its also a great time to clean out the pantry and focus on ourselves both physically and mentally.

With warmer weather, we shed clothes some of us will feel uncomfortable doing so and others will gladly take it all off.  Who are you?  Are you tired of feeling crappy, tired of feeling the way you do?  Do you want to be one of those that can take it off and feel good about it?  I've posted before that Summer bodies are made in the winter. That is true . . . however it's not too late.

As you know, I had a life changing experience back in November. Not only did it change my perspective on life in general but it also changing me physically and mentally.  I've struggled over the past few months knowing that I don't look or feel the way I use to.  I know have a huge scar that I know will never go away (yes, I realize that it is a minor thing but still hard to face), my core isn't what it use to be and my cravings are as bad as they've ever been.  I have zero will power to refrain from eating junk food and as a result I keep doing it and keep feeling worse.  I've had to resort to sleeping pills which is so strange to me because I use to fall asleep within 5 minutes.  So you may ask, what does this have to do with Spring Cleaning?

I've decided to do some mind and body spring cleaning and would love for you to join me, to help me stay accountable!  I will be starting the Ultimate Reset on Monday, April 1st!  I've completed it before and know how powerful these 21 days can be.  I'm looking forward to getting off these pills and Resetting my body back to its original settings.  During these 21 days, strenuous exercise is prohibited so I'll be focusing on mind/body classes such as yoga.

So, if you are ready to feel the best you ever have its time to take action and join me!  Here's the best part, The Ultimate Reset is on sale right now so now you really have no excuses!  I hope you will consider this and take a chance . . . you have nothing to lose!  Msg me for details!

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