So the New Year has come and gone . . . Did you know that most of Americans have quit their New Years Resolutions by January 15th? There's an actual national date for Quitters and its January 12th! Wow, just 12 days in and we quit?!? Why?
Honestly, I believe its because our expectations are too high? Its hard to set goals and work towards them. We feel like we have to give up so much in order to achieve them. So let's break this down a little for you.
The average person says "I want to lose 20 pounds and I'm starting January 1st". They go to the gym and are excited, they tried a new class and feeling strong. By day 3, they are tired, they are sore, so they take off the next day. Well, that becomes a long weekend of no exercise and well, I didn't exercise so I guess that means I can eat whatever I want and I'll start again on Monday. Does this sound familiar? By the end of week 2, we've managed 3 more days at the gym, really sore and the scale hasn't moved, in fact it says I gained weight?!?! Why am I torturing myself? Let's forget it, I'm done, I give up!
I was no different than you! Most people only know me as the fit crazy Christina. But let me assure you that I haven't always been that. I have been blessed with an Athletic Build that has taken me years to appreciate. I've always wanted to be tall and thin (no curves). I have to work at being fit, I love to eat food, Mexican is my favorite! But, there's a time and place for our favorites. Let me get back to the old me . . . .
I remember joining 24 hourfitness a very long time ago . . . I joined with the goal of running a marathon. I joined in January with high hopes of running a marathon by March. I hopped on the "dreadmill" and quickly realized that I could not even run a half mile. I was totally out of shape (I was about 22 at the time). I felt depressed and was clueless as to where to start. I showed up day in/day out for what seemed like eternity only to find no change. One day, I went in determined to cancel my membership and give up.
I was met with the manager who was there to offer me my "please stay" package. Well, he sold me and I agreed to meet with a Personal Trainer to learn some insights as to what I was doing wrong. I was totally overwhelmed by all of the info he gave me. But each day I tried a little and listened to what he said and sure enough, I was seeing success. 20 years later, I still work on something new. What I'm trying to say is that the little things add up! If you try to do too much at one time, you fail. Baby steps. The right coach . Determination . Why . Success . Commitment. You need all of these things. I'm not where I'm at today because of a pill, because I exercise. I'm where I'm at because each day I decide to try. My little steps have added up to huge mountains that seem like nothing because they are now just a part of my everyday life. This is my lifestyle.
Now for today, lets chat for a second about small changes. For me, I enjoy my quiet time in the morning. I wish I loved black coffee, but I don't. I love cream and sugar. lol . . coffee mate. Actually, I use to love Coffee Mate. I knew that it was bad for me (read the label), but at the time I had made other sacrifices but wasn't ready to give this one up. One day, I decided I was going to finally try Bullet Proof Coffee. At first I hated it, but over time I adjusted and now I love it! Now you can choose to buy that specific brand but don't feel you have to. If you don't drink coffee, you can add these items to your tea or shakes. The point is, its good for you and your body NEEDS it!
What you need to make BPC:
Coffee (try to get low acid)
Collegen Peptides
Grass Fed Butter (kerrygold, found at most stores and costco)
MCT Oil (be careful, start off with a little)
Stevia (if desired)
Sounds complicated, I know. I have seen next to the coffee mate section in the fridge section a creamer called PicNic It has Peptides, butter and mct oil in it. Otherwise, you can find these things on Amazon, Kroger, WF and even at certain Costco's.
If you don't know much about Bullet Proof Coffee and the importance of providing your body with healthy fats you need to read more about it.
Just google it and you can find the good, bad and ugly about it. I can share with you that I've been drinking BPC for a few years now . . . I don't follow Keto (more on that later) but I do Intermittent Fasting (again more on that later).
Now go enjoy yourself and have a cup of coffee!
Nutrition - Exercise - Health
Did I Live? Did I Love? Did I Matter?
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Sunday, July 21, 2019
How do you dress for exercise? Do you care? Or do you just throw some stuff on and out you go? If you don't know, I use to be the person that wore the same exercise clothes all of the time.
True story, Colby and I met at the gym. I was friends with most of the people there (I know, shocking) and they asked if I was interested in anyone . . . Well of course I said I was interested in the TALL guy. They knew who I was referring to and spoke to him separately. When they told him a girl at the gym was interested, he said "Is it the girl with the pink shirt and black pants?". Yup, I was known as that girl who pretty much only wore pink and black.
Over the years my style has improved and my OCD has gone into high gear, I can no longer wear just any old pair of shoes with any outfit. What does this mean? It means that I own way too many pairs of sneakers! Colby cringes when he looks at the Amazon "save for later" or sees a box delivered that looks like shoes. ha ha This leads me into my topic for today SHOES.
Years ago I only wore Nike but soon found myself having issues with my feet. The biggest issue was a Neuroma. Its basically a pinched nerve between your toes. The pain was so intense that finally I went to the doctor because I could no longer walk or run without pain. The foot doctor told me my issue (I already knew because I self diagnosed it) but what I didn't know was that it was because of my Nike's.
This foot doctor didn't say that Nike's were bad, just that they aren't for my feet. You see, Nike's typically are more narrow than other brands . . . they are made for people that have long skinny feet (at least this is what I was told). I don't have wide feet but I also don't have long skinny feet either. The other thing he mentioned was the heel to toe drop ratio. Say What? Aren't all shoes about the same? No, they aren't!
After many injections I finally had to have surgery. Since then, I had to pretty much start my collection of shoes all over again. I think its been 10 years now, I don't have as many as I once had but I am much picker about the kind of shoe I need. The brands that work for me are Adidas, New Balance and Asics. Depending on the activity depends on the shoe I wear.
About 6 weeks ago I heard the dreaded question "are those new shoes?" lol. Yes, there are! Why? Since I started being a better dog owner and taking Indy out on daily runs, my knees were hurting. I kept getting runners knee and couldn't figure out why? Well, the biggest issue is that although my shoes appear to be new, they aren't. Shoes do expire especially if you wear them all of the time. I ventured onto google looking for shoes that have a zero drop heel to toe ratio and came across my new shoes. I've loved them from the moment I got them and my knee pain and shin splints have disappeared. No worries, I'll still wear my other shoes, just not to run in.
One more thing I must share is socks! I know it seems insane to pay 15 bucks for a pair of socks but I can promise you that once you wear these socks you"ll never want to wear anything else! The link I'm including here is my favorite kind but take note that what I like doesn't mean its what you like. Some have padding, some have wool etc. My favorites are no show super light . . . I don't care for padding and I don't like my socks showing (Yes, OCD). I know you're hesitant but everyone I've given a pair to has always loved them!
If you are wanting new shoes, I would suggest going into a running store and have them watch you walk and share with you what type of shoe is best for your feet. I don't typically buy my shoes there because I feel their prices are too high but if there's a deal then ok. Otherwise, I take the info and look on Amazon or other shoe stores but its important you know what to look for.
Here are links for the shoes and socks I love!
Feetures Socks
New Balance Running Shoes
True story, Colby and I met at the gym. I was friends with most of the people there (I know, shocking) and they asked if I was interested in anyone . . . Well of course I said I was interested in the TALL guy. They knew who I was referring to and spoke to him separately. When they told him a girl at the gym was interested, he said "Is it the girl with the pink shirt and black pants?". Yup, I was known as that girl who pretty much only wore pink and black.
Over the years my style has improved and my OCD has gone into high gear, I can no longer wear just any old pair of shoes with any outfit. What does this mean? It means that I own way too many pairs of sneakers! Colby cringes when he looks at the Amazon "save for later" or sees a box delivered that looks like shoes. ha ha This leads me into my topic for today SHOES.
Years ago I only wore Nike but soon found myself having issues with my feet. The biggest issue was a Neuroma. Its basically a pinched nerve between your toes. The pain was so intense that finally I went to the doctor because I could no longer walk or run without pain. The foot doctor told me my issue (I already knew because I self diagnosed it) but what I didn't know was that it was because of my Nike's.
This foot doctor didn't say that Nike's were bad, just that they aren't for my feet. You see, Nike's typically are more narrow than other brands . . . they are made for people that have long skinny feet (at least this is what I was told). I don't have wide feet but I also don't have long skinny feet either. The other thing he mentioned was the heel to toe drop ratio. Say What? Aren't all shoes about the same? No, they aren't!
After many injections I finally had to have surgery. Since then, I had to pretty much start my collection of shoes all over again. I think its been 10 years now, I don't have as many as I once had but I am much picker about the kind of shoe I need. The brands that work for me are Adidas, New Balance and Asics. Depending on the activity depends on the shoe I wear.
About 6 weeks ago I heard the dreaded question "are those new shoes?" lol. Yes, there are! Why? Since I started being a better dog owner and taking Indy out on daily runs, my knees were hurting. I kept getting runners knee and couldn't figure out why? Well, the biggest issue is that although my shoes appear to be new, they aren't. Shoes do expire especially if you wear them all of the time. I ventured onto google looking for shoes that have a zero drop heel to toe ratio and came across my new shoes. I've loved them from the moment I got them and my knee pain and shin splints have disappeared. No worries, I'll still wear my other shoes, just not to run in.
One more thing I must share is socks! I know it seems insane to pay 15 bucks for a pair of socks but I can promise you that once you wear these socks you"ll never want to wear anything else! The link I'm including here is my favorite kind but take note that what I like doesn't mean its what you like. Some have padding, some have wool etc. My favorites are no show super light . . . I don't care for padding and I don't like my socks showing (Yes, OCD). I know you're hesitant but everyone I've given a pair to has always loved them!
If you are wanting new shoes, I would suggest going into a running store and have them watch you walk and share with you what type of shoe is best for your feet. I don't typically buy my shoes there because I feel their prices are too high but if there's a deal then ok. Otherwise, I take the info and look on Amazon or other shoe stores but its important you know what to look for.
Here are links for the shoes and socks I love!
Feetures Socks
New Balance Running Shoes
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Spring Cleaning
As the grass gets greener, the trees and flowers bloom, the days get longer we start to think of Spring Cleaning. Spring isn't just about cleaning out our houses, its also a great time to clean out the pantry and focus on ourselves both physically and mentally.
With warmer weather, we shed clothes some of us will feel uncomfortable doing so and others will gladly take it all off. Who are you? Are you tired of feeling crappy, tired of feeling the way you do? Do you want to be one of those that can take it off and feel good about it? I've posted before that Summer bodies are made in the winter. That is true . . . however it's not too late.
As you know, I had a life changing experience back in November. Not only did it change my perspective on life in general but it also changing me physically and mentally. I've struggled over the past few months knowing that I don't look or feel the way I use to. I know have a huge scar that I know will never go away (yes, I realize that it is a minor thing but still hard to face), my core isn't what it use to be and my cravings are as bad as they've ever been. I have zero will power to refrain from eating junk food and as a result I keep doing it and keep feeling worse. I've had to resort to sleeping pills which is so strange to me because I use to fall asleep within 5 minutes. So you may ask, what does this have to do with Spring Cleaning?
I've decided to do some mind and body spring cleaning and would love for you to join me, to help me stay accountable! I will be starting the Ultimate Reset on Monday, April 1st! I've completed it before and know how powerful these 21 days can be. I'm looking forward to getting off these pills and Resetting my body back to its original settings. During these 21 days, strenuous exercise is prohibited so I'll be focusing on mind/body classes such as yoga.
So, if you are ready to feel the best you ever have its time to take action and join me! Here's the best part, The Ultimate Reset is on sale right now so now you really have no excuses! I hope you will consider this and take a chance . . . you have nothing to lose! Msg me for details!
With warmer weather, we shed clothes some of us will feel uncomfortable doing so and others will gladly take it all off. Who are you? Are you tired of feeling crappy, tired of feeling the way you do? Do you want to be one of those that can take it off and feel good about it? I've posted before that Summer bodies are made in the winter. That is true . . . however it's not too late.
As you know, I had a life changing experience back in November. Not only did it change my perspective on life in general but it also changing me physically and mentally. I've struggled over the past few months knowing that I don't look or feel the way I use to. I know have a huge scar that I know will never go away (yes, I realize that it is a minor thing but still hard to face), my core isn't what it use to be and my cravings are as bad as they've ever been. I have zero will power to refrain from eating junk food and as a result I keep doing it and keep feeling worse. I've had to resort to sleeping pills which is so strange to me because I use to fall asleep within 5 minutes. So you may ask, what does this have to do with Spring Cleaning?
I've decided to do some mind and body spring cleaning and would love for you to join me, to help me stay accountable! I will be starting the Ultimate Reset on Monday, April 1st! I've completed it before and know how powerful these 21 days can be. I'm looking forward to getting off these pills and Resetting my body back to its original settings. During these 21 days, strenuous exercise is prohibited so I'll be focusing on mind/body classes such as yoga.
So, if you are ready to feel the best you ever have its time to take action and join me! Here's the best part, The Ultimate Reset is on sale right now so now you really have no excuses! I hope you will consider this and take a chance . . . you have nothing to lose! Msg me for details!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Life Changing Exeperience
Back in November I went in for minor surgery, so minor that I had planned on teaching classes that weekend. What happened seriously changed my life!
It was a Wednesday morning, I had just dropped off the kids at school and was waiting around until my surgery time. As you know, you can't eat so I was starving! I remember kissing Colby goodbye and being wheeled off feeling a little drowsy.
The next thing I remember . . . I opened my eyes and noticed that there was something in my throat, I went to move my hand and realized that I was strapped down to the bed. I looked around the room and noticed a clock on the wall but couldn't really see the numbers. The walls were a green color, I had a window, the blinds were closed a little but I could tell it was dark outside. I couldn't figure out what was going on. I couldn't speak or move so how was I going to get someone to come help me?
I started kicking the base of the bed, it took all of my might! A nurse came running in and turned off the alarms I had just set off and told me to calm down, that I couldn't be moving like that. She said I would be alright and was adjusting my medicine bag thing. She got a little close to me so I grabbed her hand. She jumped. I saw she was wearing a wedding ring so I grabbed it. She said I wasn't wearing a ring when I came in, I shook my head back and forth (saying no) and she finally figured out what I was asking for. . . . Colby! She said he had just left for a moment.
Colby walked in the room just a few moments later. I think he was surprised to see me awake. He came over, gave me kiss on the head and said I was going to be okay but that I needed to stop resisting the medicine and let it help me sleep. If I could do that, I would get the breathing tube removed tomorrow.
I wanted to know what was going on, what happened to me, why wasn't I at home? All I knew was that he was with me and that I needed to listen to what he said. He seemed to calm and put together. I tried to just sleep but I remember waking up a few more times that night.
The next morning, I could hear the Dr.'s and Colby talking. I tried to open my eyes but it was so hard. I could hear them talking about my blood work, my levels and my risk for having to go back into surgery. Then they were talking about what it would be like for me to have the breathing tube removed. It sounded unpleasant but I really wanted this thing out!
When it was time, I had opened my eyes. The nurse took the tube out, it felt like I was almost throwing up but it hurt so much more. My throat was raw! Then they had me do some breathing treatments and I had to relearn how to swallow. After about what seemed like 10 minutes I had to do this test where I blow into a tube, I had to hit a certain mark. Well, if you know me, you know that I was bound and determined to hit that mark. So . . . . I blew as hard as I could into this thing! Yes I hit that mark but then started coughing so hard. My stomach had been cut open so I wasn't really allowed to couch so they grabbed pillows and applied pressure to my stomach. Needless to say, they didn't make me do that test again.
After I was stable I was finally able to ask Colby what happened. I went in for minor endometriosis laperscopy procedure. As soon as they made their first incision they knew they had a major problem because they got a blood return. The Dr had hit my iliac Artery (major artery that goes to your legs). Luckily she knew what had happened, otherwise I could have bled out. I had to be life flighted to a different hospital that had one of the best Cardiothorasic Surgeons.
Colby had to say goodbye to me as I was air lifted away. At this point he didn't know exactly what had happened. My Dr. told him and then he was off driving to the other hospital. I was still asleep during all of this thus I don't remember it. He arrived at the hospital to be greeted by the Chaplin. I was being prepped for surgery. Dr. Hoang (Cardiothorasic Dr) came to talk to Colby. He didn't know much at this point because he hadn't seen the inside yet.
Obviously my surgery was a success because I'm still here and I'm writing this. :) When it was all said and done, I lost 4 pints of blood, was in the hospital for a week, had 57 staples and cut open from the top of my abdomen down to my previous c-section scar plus my c-section scar re-cut. I wasn't able do drive for 30 days and couldn't lift anything more than 10 pounds and that was pushing it.
At my 2 month check up with Dr. Hoang greeted me with so much love. He remembered me and Colby so well. I immediately started to cry. How do you repay or even begin to show your gratitude towards someone that literally saved your life? He cleared me to return to normal activity! He said that I was not the average person, that he never clears anyone that quickly to return to exercise. He credited it to my overall health and how fit I am. He said I was healing so much faster than normal (I credit this to Beachbody . . . Shakeology)!
I've learned so much about myself over the past few months. My family and friends gave me strength when I didn't have any. Colby was unbelievably strong, he managed to keep his cool and ensured the kids were his priority. My second mom, Mama Kathy came and helped us for 3 weeks. She ensured the girls were set for the day and took me to all my dr appointments which allowed Colby to work. My friends were there for us and provided us with meals and came to visit me when all I could do was lay in bed. Last but not least, I thank the lord for giving me the opportunity to come back and continue to be a mother to my kids, a wife, a friend, a daughter and the chance to just live life to the fullest!
It took me almost dying to realize that life is short. At any moment your life can change so appreciate all that you have. And know that your health plays an important factor in your life. I'm still here because my "work" is not done . . . My passion is to help others, I would love the chance to help you change your life!
It was a Wednesday morning, I had just dropped off the kids at school and was waiting around until my surgery time. As you know, you can't eat so I was starving! I remember kissing Colby goodbye and being wheeled off feeling a little drowsy.
The next thing I remember . . . I opened my eyes and noticed that there was something in my throat, I went to move my hand and realized that I was strapped down to the bed. I looked around the room and noticed a clock on the wall but couldn't really see the numbers. The walls were a green color, I had a window, the blinds were closed a little but I could tell it was dark outside. I couldn't figure out what was going on. I couldn't speak or move so how was I going to get someone to come help me?
I started kicking the base of the bed, it took all of my might! A nurse came running in and turned off the alarms I had just set off and told me to calm down, that I couldn't be moving like that. She said I would be alright and was adjusting my medicine bag thing. She got a little close to me so I grabbed her hand. She jumped. I saw she was wearing a wedding ring so I grabbed it. She said I wasn't wearing a ring when I came in, I shook my head back and forth (saying no) and she finally figured out what I was asking for. . . . Colby! She said he had just left for a moment.
Colby walked in the room just a few moments later. I think he was surprised to see me awake. He came over, gave me kiss on the head and said I was going to be okay but that I needed to stop resisting the medicine and let it help me sleep. If I could do that, I would get the breathing tube removed tomorrow.
I wanted to know what was going on, what happened to me, why wasn't I at home? All I knew was that he was with me and that I needed to listen to what he said. He seemed to calm and put together. I tried to just sleep but I remember waking up a few more times that night.
The next morning, I could hear the Dr.'s and Colby talking. I tried to open my eyes but it was so hard. I could hear them talking about my blood work, my levels and my risk for having to go back into surgery. Then they were talking about what it would be like for me to have the breathing tube removed. It sounded unpleasant but I really wanted this thing out!
When it was time, I had opened my eyes. The nurse took the tube out, it felt like I was almost throwing up but it hurt so much more. My throat was raw! Then they had me do some breathing treatments and I had to relearn how to swallow. After about what seemed like 10 minutes I had to do this test where I blow into a tube, I had to hit a certain mark. Well, if you know me, you know that I was bound and determined to hit that mark. So . . . . I blew as hard as I could into this thing! Yes I hit that mark but then started coughing so hard. My stomach had been cut open so I wasn't really allowed to couch so they grabbed pillows and applied pressure to my stomach. Needless to say, they didn't make me do that test again.
After I was stable I was finally able to ask Colby what happened. I went in for minor endometriosis laperscopy procedure. As soon as they made their first incision they knew they had a major problem because they got a blood return. The Dr had hit my iliac Artery (major artery that goes to your legs). Luckily she knew what had happened, otherwise I could have bled out. I had to be life flighted to a different hospital that had one of the best Cardiothorasic Surgeons.
Colby had to say goodbye to me as I was air lifted away. At this point he didn't know exactly what had happened. My Dr. told him and then he was off driving to the other hospital. I was still asleep during all of this thus I don't remember it. He arrived at the hospital to be greeted by the Chaplin. I was being prepped for surgery. Dr. Hoang (Cardiothorasic Dr) came to talk to Colby. He didn't know much at this point because he hadn't seen the inside yet.
Obviously my surgery was a success because I'm still here and I'm writing this. :) When it was all said and done, I lost 4 pints of blood, was in the hospital for a week, had 57 staples and cut open from the top of my abdomen down to my previous c-section scar plus my c-section scar re-cut. I wasn't able do drive for 30 days and couldn't lift anything more than 10 pounds and that was pushing it.
At my 2 month check up with Dr. Hoang greeted me with so much love. He remembered me and Colby so well. I immediately started to cry. How do you repay or even begin to show your gratitude towards someone that literally saved your life? He cleared me to return to normal activity! He said that I was not the average person, that he never clears anyone that quickly to return to exercise. He credited it to my overall health and how fit I am. He said I was healing so much faster than normal (I credit this to Beachbody . . . Shakeology)!
I've learned so much about myself over the past few months. My family and friends gave me strength when I didn't have any. Colby was unbelievably strong, he managed to keep his cool and ensured the kids were his priority. My second mom, Mama Kathy came and helped us for 3 weeks. She ensured the girls were set for the day and took me to all my dr appointments which allowed Colby to work. My friends were there for us and provided us with meals and came to visit me when all I could do was lay in bed. Last but not least, I thank the lord for giving me the opportunity to come back and continue to be a mother to my kids, a wife, a friend, a daughter and the chance to just live life to the fullest!
It took me almost dying to realize that life is short. At any moment your life can change so appreciate all that you have. And know that your health plays an important factor in your life. I'm still here because my "work" is not done . . . My passion is to help others, I would love the chance to help you change your life!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
I finished the 21 Day Ultimate Reset!! Wow, it was hard but I do feel now that it was worth it. In looking back I thought I would share a few things I learned along the way.
Week 1:
- Getting accustomed to cooking and prepping food. I was so use to just throwing stuff together and eating within 10 min that I never stopped to actually appreciate the food.
- The first week was so hard, I was so hungry but then I'd look at the menu and find that it was going to take 35 min before I could eat. I would drink water during the prep time which seemed to help
- I found it ridiculously hard to not pick at the kids' plates. I never realized how much I ate off of their plates
- Overall, week 1 wasn't bad. I had a little meat (chicken), fish and grains.
- Absolutely hated the detox drink.
Week 2
- Week 2 was about cutting dairy and meat from our diets as they are hard for our bodies to process.
- I loved Week 2!! Everything was so good!
- The hardest part about this was the weekend but that goes for any weekend. It was cinco de mayo.
- Colby and I had date night, I've never done so much work to go out on a date. I cooked all of my food and brought my snack with me. We went to the movies, he had popcorn, I had apple and berries. After that we met up with some friends. When it was time for dinner, I went to the car and ate my food, which turned out very good.
- We took the girls for frozen yogurt and I resisted, not even a lick. Very proud
- The detox drink tasted like herbs, wasn't bad at all.
Week 3
- No Lies, this was the hardest! During this week, we phased out grains so it was all fruits and veggies.
- I would get super full from the amount of veggies I would eat but never had any other issues.
- I had 2 days of feeling very tired but I think that was more due to going to bed too late and doing too much.
- Food was excellent!
Day 2 after the cleanse . . . Last night we went out for dinner!! I really wanted Mexican food so off we went. I found that I lost my tolerance for spicy food, the salsa was so hot! I also thought the Margarita was way too salty (too much salt? I would have never said that before). I opted for a bean burrito because I was afraid that what I normally would get might make me sick (Steak Burrito with Hatch Green Chile). Although it tasted so good, afterwards I felt sick. I was so tired, and my stomach was bloated. Even today, I'm still feeling the effects.
This morning I decided to have some Coffee. I took it with me as I was dropping off the girls at school and had a few sips and thought, why am I drinking this? I threw it out! I came home and made my tea and it was delicious!
What are my key take aways?
- Before, I kept my fat intake very low. It didn't matter if it was good or bad fat, it was low. I realized that there is a huge difference between good and bad fat. I actually ate more fat and lost weight and inches.
- I have at least 20 recipes that are super healthy that I love!
- I found new foods that I'd never heard of before that I love!
- I enjoy making my foods
- I enjoy feeling better about my food choices and how I feel after I eat it
- Making your own salad dressing is easy
- Eating healthy requires a lot of spices but once you have them it's easy
- I love roasted veggies
- I love coconut oil!
Was it worth it? YES!!
Did it change my life? YES!!
Would I recommend it? YES!!
Was it hard? YES!! Face it, anything worth having is hard!
Up next, results . . . .
Week 1:
- Getting accustomed to cooking and prepping food. I was so use to just throwing stuff together and eating within 10 min that I never stopped to actually appreciate the food.
- The first week was so hard, I was so hungry but then I'd look at the menu and find that it was going to take 35 min before I could eat. I would drink water during the prep time which seemed to help
- I found it ridiculously hard to not pick at the kids' plates. I never realized how much I ate off of their plates
- Overall, week 1 wasn't bad. I had a little meat (chicken), fish and grains.
- Absolutely hated the detox drink.
Week 2
- Week 2 was about cutting dairy and meat from our diets as they are hard for our bodies to process.
- I loved Week 2!! Everything was so good!
- The hardest part about this was the weekend but that goes for any weekend. It was cinco de mayo.
- Colby and I had date night, I've never done so much work to go out on a date. I cooked all of my food and brought my snack with me. We went to the movies, he had popcorn, I had apple and berries. After that we met up with some friends. When it was time for dinner, I went to the car and ate my food, which turned out very good.
- We took the girls for frozen yogurt and I resisted, not even a lick. Very proud
- The detox drink tasted like herbs, wasn't bad at all.
Week 3
- No Lies, this was the hardest! During this week, we phased out grains so it was all fruits and veggies.
- I would get super full from the amount of veggies I would eat but never had any other issues.
- I had 2 days of feeling very tired but I think that was more due to going to bed too late and doing too much.
- Food was excellent!
Day 2 after the cleanse . . . Last night we went out for dinner!! I really wanted Mexican food so off we went. I found that I lost my tolerance for spicy food, the salsa was so hot! I also thought the Margarita was way too salty (too much salt? I would have never said that before). I opted for a bean burrito because I was afraid that what I normally would get might make me sick (Steak Burrito with Hatch Green Chile). Although it tasted so good, afterwards I felt sick. I was so tired, and my stomach was bloated. Even today, I'm still feeling the effects.
This morning I decided to have some Coffee. I took it with me as I was dropping off the girls at school and had a few sips and thought, why am I drinking this? I threw it out! I came home and made my tea and it was delicious!
What are my key take aways?
- Before, I kept my fat intake very low. It didn't matter if it was good or bad fat, it was low. I realized that there is a huge difference between good and bad fat. I actually ate more fat and lost weight and inches.
- I have at least 20 recipes that are super healthy that I love!
- I found new foods that I'd never heard of before that I love!
- I enjoy making my foods
- I enjoy feeling better about my food choices and how I feel after I eat it
- Making your own salad dressing is easy
- Eating healthy requires a lot of spices but once you have them it's easy
- I love roasted veggies
- I love coconut oil!
Was it worth it? YES!!
Did it change my life? YES!!
Would I recommend it? YES!!
Was it hard? YES!! Face it, anything worth having is hard!
Up next, results . . . .
Monday, May 7, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
The Ultimate Reset Cleanse . . . A 21 Day Challenge to clean out the system
So it's the night before my official first day. I'll admit, I'm already overwhelmed with what's to come! I received my package on Friday, I immediately sat down and read the entire booklet and thought "what have I committed myself to?"
The thing I love most so far is having a detailed nutrition plan. It's broken out into 3 phases and comes with exactly what you should eat for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and if needed a snack. It also comes with all of the recipes as well as where you can find some of the odd grocery items. What I find most challenging is that I don't really enjoy cooking and am not looking forward to making time to cook.
At this point, I have my food for breakfast but still need to go to the store tomorrow to get the rest of this weeks food. I'm hoping it'll be easy to find everything. Oh, the other thing I'm loving is that the pantry and fridge are cleaned out! This means that because Momma is doing an internal overhaul, the rest of the family will get to as well! I threw out all the junk . . . the kids (espeically Oakley) will be very upset to find no candy tomorrow. It'll be good for all of us!
What am I hoping to achieve? Well, sure I'd love to lose a few pounds but its not about that! I really need to clean up my food and break some habits. I'd also love to get that energy back that I use to have. You know when you'd wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Instead it takes me a little bit to get moving. I'd love to sleep better as well has have a clearer complexion. I plan on taking pictures as well as blood pressure and body measurements. I will post them soon!
I said I would post a video blog as well an update everyone each day so I will figure out how to do that tomorrow. For now it's time to say good night!
The thing I love most so far is having a detailed nutrition plan. It's broken out into 3 phases and comes with exactly what you should eat for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and if needed a snack. It also comes with all of the recipes as well as where you can find some of the odd grocery items. What I find most challenging is that I don't really enjoy cooking and am not looking forward to making time to cook.
At this point, I have my food for breakfast but still need to go to the store tomorrow to get the rest of this weeks food. I'm hoping it'll be easy to find everything. Oh, the other thing I'm loving is that the pantry and fridge are cleaned out! This means that because Momma is doing an internal overhaul, the rest of the family will get to as well! I threw out all the junk . . . the kids (espeically Oakley) will be very upset to find no candy tomorrow. It'll be good for all of us!
What am I hoping to achieve? Well, sure I'd love to lose a few pounds but its not about that! I really need to clean up my food and break some habits. I'd also love to get that energy back that I use to have. You know when you'd wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Instead it takes me a little bit to get moving. I'd love to sleep better as well has have a clearer complexion. I plan on taking pictures as well as blood pressure and body measurements. I will post them soon!
I said I would post a video blog as well an update everyone each day so I will figure out how to do that tomorrow. For now it's time to say good night!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Day 6
I know it's only been a few days, but I do feel like I might be seeing a few changes! Overall, I have liked the program but my calves have been so sore. Today they feel great, but I haven't done my workout yet. How are you doing? Is there anything I can help with?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Coach Christina Nish
Good Evening!
I wanted to remind everyone to go onto FB and like my fan page "Coach Christina Nish". I think it will be easier for all of us to stay connected and offer up and comments, suggestions or concerns about the fitness challenge.
As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions! Hope you had an excellent Day 2, I look forward to hearing from you!
I wanted to remind everyone to go onto FB and like my fan page "Coach Christina Nish". I think it will be easier for all of us to stay connected and offer up and comments, suggestions or concerns about the fitness challenge.
As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions! Hope you had an excellent Day 2, I look forward to hearing from you!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Day 1 Again
Because the programs begin on Monday, we will say that today is Day 1. This should make is easier to follow the schedules. Please let me know if you have questions.
Everyday I will post a new day, I hope ya'll will start talking and will find the energy and motivation to push through it!
Keeping checking the Blog . . . As I get photos and measurements I'm updating the post titled "The Team".
If you've already done your workout today .. . Great Job! If you haven't, you better get to it!
Everyday I will post a new day, I hope ya'll will start talking and will find the energy and motivation to push through it!
Keeping checking the Blog . . . As I get photos and measurements I'm updating the post titled "The Team".
If you've already done your workout today .. . Great Job! If you haven't, you better get to it!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Team!
Christina: Lose 2 inches on waist and thighs. Increase strength and drop 2% body fat
Allyson: Overall Goal is to lose weight, tone up and be bikini ready!
Willow: Goal is to be stronger and push harder, lose 1 inch in waist and 3 inch in hips and 1.5 inch on thighs.

Beth: Goal is to lose 12 pounds. lose 3 inches in waist and see an overall toning of my body. And feel comfortable in a tankini! :)
Liana: Goal is to lose some fat in mid-section and to get a little more overall toning definition
Summer: Firm up and feel great!
Suzanne: goal is to lose 3 lbs and maintain 112. 1 to 1 ½ inch loss to waist, hips and thighs!
I will continue to update as I get pictures and goals.
Day 1
I've only received a few measurements from people so I'm hoping ya'll are doing them now and will send to me asap! I'm getting ready to take pics and will post shortly.
If you are doing Insanity, you will see that the program officially starts on Monday, today is a great day to get your Fit Test done. If you'd like to send me your results of the fit test, I will compile a list and send it back out.
What are your thoughts thus far?
If you are doing Insanity, you will see that the program officially starts on Monday, today is a great day to get your Fit Test done. If you'd like to send me your results of the fit test, I will compile a list and send it back out.
What are your thoughts thus far?
Friday, April 29, 2011
Alrighty people, the time is here . . . time for your measurements. Be sure you do them sometime this weekend and send them my way. Be sure to include a picture and let me know if you want it kept private or if I can post on the blog. Here's a few measurements thus far:
Christina Willow
Height: 68" 66"
Weight: 136.2 118
Neck: 11.2 12
Chest: 33.5 31
Bicep: 9 9.5
F. Arm: 8.8 8.5
Waist: 27 25
Hip: 35.5 35
Thigh: 19 19.5
Calf: 13.2 14.5
If you have questions about where to measure, let me know!
Christina Willow
Height: 68" 66"
Weight: 136.2 118
Neck: 11.2 12
Chest: 33.5 31
Bicep: 9 9.5
F. Arm: 8.8 8.5
Waist: 27 25
Hip: 35.5 35
Thigh: 19 19.5
Calf: 13.2 14.5
If you have questions about where to measure, let me know!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Are you READY?
May 1st is almost here . . . are you excited yet? I AM!! This will be so much fun, the best part is going to be the transformations we will all experience over the next 60-90 days!
If you haven't read your fitness program, please do so. This will help to prepare you so you can start off strong. Remember that 70-80% of this will be your nutrition. My favorite quote is "you can't out train your diet". You need to fuel your body properly in order to see the maximum results! The fitness programs come with fantastic tools to help you create a meal plan that will work for you, however if you have any questions, please let me know and I will be happy to help.
Don't forget to take measurements as well as pictures. As I mentioned before, in order to participate in the contest, I need you to send me both your measurements and pictures. Please be sure to let me know if they can be posted on the blog or if you want them for my eyes only.
Last but not least, we have a few more people that have joined the Challenge!!
Meg Mower-Harris P90x
Beth Gambrell Turbo Fire
Suzanne Ringo Turbo Fire
Tori Williams Turbo Fire
Also, if you have any friends that want to join, please forward them the blog as well as send me their name and email address.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
There's still time
There's still time for you to make that change! 9 days and the Fitness Challenge begins. I am getting so excited for this and I hope everyone else is as well!
I realize that we are all busy, life is busy but that is no excuse. You have got to make time for you, make time for your health! I know it can seem like a daunting task but don't look at it as a 60 day program. Think small, think one day at a time and as each day goes by you get one step closer to that final goal!
I know ya'll want to look and feel your best especially with Summer right around the corner so stop procrastinating and just do it!
I realize that we are all busy, life is busy but that is no excuse. You have got to make time for you, make time for your health! I know it can seem like a daunting task but don't look at it as a 60 day program. Think small, think one day at a time and as each day goes by you get one step closer to that final goal!
I know ya'll want to look and feel your best especially with Summer right around the corner so stop procrastinating and just do it!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Who's In?
Good Evening . . .
Now that we know the details of the Challenge, you are probably wondering who is participating? Well, I thought about creating a profile for everyone, but that seemed very time consuming so before I spend the time, can you tell me if you would be interested in such things? Here's a list thus far of the people that have committed to changing their lives!
Jonathan & Rachel: Insanity
Jackie & Travis: Insanity
Willow: Turbo Fire
Colby & Myself: Insanity
Allyson: Turbo Fire
Liana: Insanity
Gavin: Insanity
So far that 10 people, I have 6 more on my list that are still thinking about it and possibly another 3 that just learned about it today!
Last night my Husband was telling me that he was feeling like a "caged animal" . . . . he just wants to get started right now. I know we are all getting excited, in the meantime once you get your program make sure you read over everything and if you have questions let talk about. We want to start May 1st STRONG!
I look forward to chatting tomorrow!
Now that we know the details of the Challenge, you are probably wondering who is participating? Well, I thought about creating a profile for everyone, but that seemed very time consuming so before I spend the time, can you tell me if you would be interested in such things? Here's a list thus far of the people that have committed to changing their lives!
Jonathan & Rachel: Insanity
Jackie & Travis: Insanity
Willow: Turbo Fire
Colby & Myself: Insanity
Allyson: Turbo Fire
Liana: Insanity
Gavin: Insanity
So far that 10 people, I have 6 more on my list that are still thinking about it and possibly another 3 that just learned about it today!
Last night my Husband was telling me that he was feeling like a "caged animal" . . . . he just wants to get started right now. I know we are all getting excited, in the meantime once you get your program make sure you read over everything and if you have questions let talk about. We want to start May 1st STRONG!
I look forward to chatting tomorrow!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Fitness Challenge
I can honestly say that I am amazed that it is already mid April . . . I remember January so clearly, like it was yesterday! In January like many others, I decided to make a New Years Resolution which was to run a half marathon. Well, last weekend I did it! It was such an awesome experience and although I felt my time could have been better, the point is that I Decided what my goal was, I Committed to it and I Succeeded!
Now that I've accomplished that goal (planning another 1/2 marathon to work on my time), I thought it was time to create a new challenge! What started off with me challenging myself to committing to a new work out program has turned into a fantastic group challenge! I have 10 people so far that have committed to this Challenge and I really hope more will join in. So you might wonder, what is this so-called Fitness Challenge entail?
Ideally, you will pick one of the home fitness programs Beachbody offers ( There are several to choose from, the most important thing is to do one that you feel you would enjoy the most. So far it looks like Insanity and Turbo Fire are the top choices. The programs come with a complete nutrition tools as well as a daily work out calendar. Now the hard part, committing to it! Don't worry, we are all here to help motivate each other and will help in any way we can.
What's in for you? Well . . . at the end of the challenge you will be able to see your transformation! What more do you want than to look and feel great? Well, to keep it interesting and keep us motivated I thought it would be fun to add some prizes. I'm thinking we will do a 2 week prize, 30 day, 45 day and 60 day. I'm still working on prizes and have a few ideas, if you have any suggestions let me know and I will look into it. I did decide what the grand prize will be (drum roll please) A One Month's supply of SHAKEOLOGY!! Don't know about Shakeology? You need to, let's talk!
The Challenge starts May 1st, that means you will need to do a few things prior to that date. 1- make sure you have a fitness program, 2- take before pictures. I will not require anyone to post them on the blog but I think it would be great if you did. 3- weigh yourself and take measurements (neck, upper arm, forearm, chest, waist, hips, upper thigh and calf. If you can have your body fat measured that would also be great but if not, no worries. 4- define your goals. Don't be vague and say I want to lose 20 pounds in 60 days. It won't work. Instead you can say that your overall goal may be to lose 20 pounds but what are the steps to get you there? If you create smaller goals within a bigger one you will be able to experience success which will make it easier to keep on track. Your goals don't have to be related to weight, you can do body fat, inches, maybe even something related to the fitness program. And last but not least, you need to reward yourself for a job well done! When you achieve your success, what's your reward?
Sounds pretty easy right? I wish it were easy, the truth is. . . its not about dieting but rather changing your lifestyle to include proper nutrition and exercise. We can all enjoy our favorite treats but in Moderation!
So, if you are still on the fence and can't decide, ask your self WHY? Looking forward to hearing from you!
Now that I've accomplished that goal (planning another 1/2 marathon to work on my time), I thought it was time to create a new challenge! What started off with me challenging myself to committing to a new work out program has turned into a fantastic group challenge! I have 10 people so far that have committed to this Challenge and I really hope more will join in. So you might wonder, what is this so-called Fitness Challenge entail?
Ideally, you will pick one of the home fitness programs Beachbody offers ( There are several to choose from, the most important thing is to do one that you feel you would enjoy the most. So far it looks like Insanity and Turbo Fire are the top choices. The programs come with a complete nutrition tools as well as a daily work out calendar. Now the hard part, committing to it! Don't worry, we are all here to help motivate each other and will help in any way we can.
What's in for you? Well . . . at the end of the challenge you will be able to see your transformation! What more do you want than to look and feel great? Well, to keep it interesting and keep us motivated I thought it would be fun to add some prizes. I'm thinking we will do a 2 week prize, 30 day, 45 day and 60 day. I'm still working on prizes and have a few ideas, if you have any suggestions let me know and I will look into it. I did decide what the grand prize will be (drum roll please) A One Month's supply of SHAKEOLOGY!! Don't know about Shakeology? You need to, let's talk!
The Challenge starts May 1st, that means you will need to do a few things prior to that date. 1- make sure you have a fitness program, 2- take before pictures. I will not require anyone to post them on the blog but I think it would be great if you did. 3- weigh yourself and take measurements (neck, upper arm, forearm, chest, waist, hips, upper thigh and calf. If you can have your body fat measured that would also be great but if not, no worries. 4- define your goals. Don't be vague and say I want to lose 20 pounds in 60 days. It won't work. Instead you can say that your overall goal may be to lose 20 pounds but what are the steps to get you there? If you create smaller goals within a bigger one you will be able to experience success which will make it easier to keep on track. Your goals don't have to be related to weight, you can do body fat, inches, maybe even something related to the fitness program. And last but not least, you need to reward yourself for a job well done! When you achieve your success, what's your reward?
Sounds pretty easy right? I wish it were easy, the truth is. . . its not about dieting but rather changing your lifestyle to include proper nutrition and exercise. We can all enjoy our favorite treats but in Moderation!
So, if you are still on the fence and can't decide, ask your self WHY? Looking forward to hearing from you!
Friday, April 15, 2011
I'm sure you've seen me talking up a storm about TurboFire and Shakeology . . . Now you are wondering how all of this came about?
About 9 years ago I decided to join 24 Hourfitness in hopes of losing a few pounds. I was considered "average", but to me I just didn't feel good about myself. I always said that I felt like I was the girl with a pretty face. All I knew is that I wanted to finally look at myself and think "wow, I look good!"
With that said, I began my fitness journey! I went to the gym everyday and did what I thought was the right thing. After several months of getting no where real fast I enlisted the help of a trainer. Well, if you've worked with a trainer before you know there are good trainers and bad trainers. I went through 2 trainers before I found Thomas.
Thomas was a godsent! I lived and breathed everything he told me to do, why? Because I was seeing results. The first thing he told me was that I needed to fuel my body properly. Well, that's funny I thought I was. I started tracking everything and then realized that although I was within my calorie limits, the breakdown was way off. For a typical girl, your breakdown should be 60%carbs, 20%fat and 20% protein. Once I started following a meal plan that followed that pattern I was on a roll. In 3 months I had gone from a size 12 to a size 2. WOW!!!
At this point, I felt so confident in myself . . . my self esteem was high and I felt like I could accomplish anything! Then I met Colby and he was a runner. I thought I would hop on a treadmill next to him but little did I know, I could not run! You see, I had trained my body specifically on the elliptical, stairmill and spinning. It took some hard work and dedication but I got to the point of being able to run a few miles. The funny thing is, now I can run and run and he's struggling. :)
Back to my story . . . Because I spent so much time at the gym, I became friends with so many people, people that I will always hold dear to my heart, Frank and Ashley Fisk. They literally changed my life, they enriched my life so much and I will never forget it! Frank is the one that introduced me to Colby! And Ashley was a spin teacher. I really didn't think I could do what she did, she is the BEST spin instructor but with some coaching and pushing from all of my friends I was able to get my certification!
The reason why I bring this up is because these people showed me that if you have the Passion and the Commitment anyone can do it. It took several months for me to find my niche but I can proudly say that I have my own style and in my last review, I was told that I am one of the best spin instructors in Dallas! WOW! ME, really? How did that happen? Passion!
I have that passion to want to help others succeed! I have been blessed to have such amazing people in my life that inspired me to do more to be more. I will never forget how each person contributed to my success! Every week I have the opportunity to change someones life! I am honored to have such a strong following and absolutely love the energy they bring to class!
With that said, over the past few months I have felt that I wanted to connect with more people. I looked into becoming a personal trainer but its not really doable right now with two little ones at home. I then decided that I would certify in other group exercise formats which has lead me to TurboKick and PiYo.
I was introduced to Melissa McAllister who is a local Master Trainer for Power Blue productions. Who is Powder Blue? Well its none other than Chalene Johnson! She's the mastermind behind TurboFire, TurboJam, Chalene Extreme etc. 24 Hourfitness offers a class called TurckKick which is based off the above class. Not only does Chalene have her own company, but she partnered up with BeachBody who is the #1 at home fitness company in the world!
Beachbody is behind programs such as P90x, Insanity, Braziallian But, and all of Chalene's exercise videos. Beachbody saw there was a need for coaches because so many people buy the programs but they either don't fuel their body properly or more likely they put it on the shelf for a later date.
As I learned about Beachbody, it seemed like a no brainer for me! Here I was wanting to help people make a change, address the issue of obesity and this fell right into my lap! I am astonished when I watch Biggest Loser, the contestants are getting so big and their stories are all the same . . . something tragic happened and then they eat! Did you know that 2 out 3 adults are obese? And what's worse is 2 out of 5 children are obese! That equals 200 million people are unhealthy.
We need to take action! If we the adults don't change our habits, what will happen to the next generation? When did it become okay to have our life expectancy be shorter than our parents? I know that if we can change the parents habits, the children will follow suit. Children will copy just as they see!
I know that people want a pill . . . and believe me if it were that easy that would be great! But there is no substitute for eating healthy and exercising. I hate it when I see people go on diets! They don't work! The word itself says it all. Diets mean restricting yourself from having something for a specific timeframe. Well, when that timeframe is over then you go back to eating like before and gain the weight back. You need to change your lifestyle! It's about having things in moderation and living life to the fullest!
That is what I love about being a Beachbodycoach. I get to help those people that have that desire to change their lives but don't know exactly how to get there! Beachbody is about addressing the obesity issues we have in this country! The fitness programs are hard, but they are also so much fun! As for supplements, they have done their homework and provide only the best nutrients! I have tried so many different supplements and I will tell you right now, there is nothing like Shakeology! It is amazing and it has changed my life!
I will admit that I was skeptical at first especially when I saw the price. But if you break it down, its 4.50 per meal. Well, that's not to bad . . . and there are ways to get it cheaper. I had hit a plateau, I was trying to get past it and work through it but nothing was happening. In one week of Shakeology I had lost 3 pounds and an inch on my waist. I changed nothing else! Not only did I see such great results, I feel better, my mood has improved, I crave less candy/chocolate and I have the much needed energy I need to do what I do (exercise and keep track of 2 little ones).
I am so blessed to have such a supportive husband! All he wants for me is to find something I have passion about and run with it. Well, here it is and I'm running! He has ton a ton of research (those of you that know Colby, you know how he is) and has come to the conclusion that this is for REAL (beachbodycoach), it is legit and you can do it too!
I will say it again . . . If YOU have the Passion and YOU have the Commitment you can do it too! Whatever it is in life YOU want, You can do it! Remember OWN IT!
If you want more information or just want to chat about anything, let me know!
About 9 years ago I decided to join 24 Hourfitness in hopes of losing a few pounds. I was considered "average", but to me I just didn't feel good about myself. I always said that I felt like I was the girl with a pretty face. All I knew is that I wanted to finally look at myself and think "wow, I look good!"
With that said, I began my fitness journey! I went to the gym everyday and did what I thought was the right thing. After several months of getting no where real fast I enlisted the help of a trainer. Well, if you've worked with a trainer before you know there are good trainers and bad trainers. I went through 2 trainers before I found Thomas.
Thomas was a godsent! I lived and breathed everything he told me to do, why? Because I was seeing results. The first thing he told me was that I needed to fuel my body properly. Well, that's funny I thought I was. I started tracking everything and then realized that although I was within my calorie limits, the breakdown was way off. For a typical girl, your breakdown should be 60%carbs, 20%fat and 20% protein. Once I started following a meal plan that followed that pattern I was on a roll. In 3 months I had gone from a size 12 to a size 2. WOW!!!
At this point, I felt so confident in myself . . . my self esteem was high and I felt like I could accomplish anything! Then I met Colby and he was a runner. I thought I would hop on a treadmill next to him but little did I know, I could not run! You see, I had trained my body specifically on the elliptical, stairmill and spinning. It took some hard work and dedication but I got to the point of being able to run a few miles. The funny thing is, now I can run and run and he's struggling. :)
Back to my story . . . Because I spent so much time at the gym, I became friends with so many people, people that I will always hold dear to my heart, Frank and Ashley Fisk. They literally changed my life, they enriched my life so much and I will never forget it! Frank is the one that introduced me to Colby! And Ashley was a spin teacher. I really didn't think I could do what she did, she is the BEST spin instructor but with some coaching and pushing from all of my friends I was able to get my certification!
The reason why I bring this up is because these people showed me that if you have the Passion and the Commitment anyone can do it. It took several months for me to find my niche but I can proudly say that I have my own style and in my last review, I was told that I am one of the best spin instructors in Dallas! WOW! ME, really? How did that happen? Passion!
I have that passion to want to help others succeed! I have been blessed to have such amazing people in my life that inspired me to do more to be more. I will never forget how each person contributed to my success! Every week I have the opportunity to change someones life! I am honored to have such a strong following and absolutely love the energy they bring to class!
With that said, over the past few months I have felt that I wanted to connect with more people. I looked into becoming a personal trainer but its not really doable right now with two little ones at home. I then decided that I would certify in other group exercise formats which has lead me to TurboKick and PiYo.
I was introduced to Melissa McAllister who is a local Master Trainer for Power Blue productions. Who is Powder Blue? Well its none other than Chalene Johnson! She's the mastermind behind TurboFire, TurboJam, Chalene Extreme etc. 24 Hourfitness offers a class called TurckKick which is based off the above class. Not only does Chalene have her own company, but she partnered up with BeachBody who is the #1 at home fitness company in the world!
Beachbody is behind programs such as P90x, Insanity, Braziallian But, and all of Chalene's exercise videos. Beachbody saw there was a need for coaches because so many people buy the programs but they either don't fuel their body properly or more likely they put it on the shelf for a later date.
As I learned about Beachbody, it seemed like a no brainer for me! Here I was wanting to help people make a change, address the issue of obesity and this fell right into my lap! I am astonished when I watch Biggest Loser, the contestants are getting so big and their stories are all the same . . . something tragic happened and then they eat! Did you know that 2 out 3 adults are obese? And what's worse is 2 out of 5 children are obese! That equals 200 million people are unhealthy.
We need to take action! If we the adults don't change our habits, what will happen to the next generation? When did it become okay to have our life expectancy be shorter than our parents? I know that if we can change the parents habits, the children will follow suit. Children will copy just as they see!
I know that people want a pill . . . and believe me if it were that easy that would be great! But there is no substitute for eating healthy and exercising. I hate it when I see people go on diets! They don't work! The word itself says it all. Diets mean restricting yourself from having something for a specific timeframe. Well, when that timeframe is over then you go back to eating like before and gain the weight back. You need to change your lifestyle! It's about having things in moderation and living life to the fullest!
That is what I love about being a Beachbodycoach. I get to help those people that have that desire to change their lives but don't know exactly how to get there! Beachbody is about addressing the obesity issues we have in this country! The fitness programs are hard, but they are also so much fun! As for supplements, they have done their homework and provide only the best nutrients! I have tried so many different supplements and I will tell you right now, there is nothing like Shakeology! It is amazing and it has changed my life!
I will admit that I was skeptical at first especially when I saw the price. But if you break it down, its 4.50 per meal. Well, that's not to bad . . . and there are ways to get it cheaper. I had hit a plateau, I was trying to get past it and work through it but nothing was happening. In one week of Shakeology I had lost 3 pounds and an inch on my waist. I changed nothing else! Not only did I see such great results, I feel better, my mood has improved, I crave less candy/chocolate and I have the much needed energy I need to do what I do (exercise and keep track of 2 little ones).
I am so blessed to have such a supportive husband! All he wants for me is to find something I have passion about and run with it. Well, here it is and I'm running! He has ton a ton of research (those of you that know Colby, you know how he is) and has come to the conclusion that this is for REAL (beachbodycoach), it is legit and you can do it too!
I will say it again . . . If YOU have the Passion and YOU have the Commitment you can do it too! Whatever it is in life YOU want, You can do it! Remember OWN IT!
If you want more information or just want to chat about anything, let me know!
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